Attendees: Barrie Willis & Sue Hansbury, Stan & Val Culley, Graham & Sue Salthouse, Danie & Bella du Toit, Robin Eccles & Hanli Kloppers, Alastair Warman & family, Sandy Olver, Hazel Nevin, Jonathan Davidson, Bob & Hazel van Rooyen (19)

Species: 44                                                               Text: Hazel van Rooyen

We had a good turnout of 19 folk for this once-popular venue.  On arrival we noticed that the reserve had received a lot of attention in recent weeks with pathways being cleared and streams being opened up to drain the reed beds clogging up the wetland.  The wooden huts were a sad sight though – completely broken down with two guys finishing the job, removing the remaining decking and floor boards.

Our first walk up the centre of the reserve produced the most birds of the day, 39.  Some of the species seen were Crowned and Trumpeter Hornbills, Brown-hooded Kingfisher, Golden-tailed Woodpecker, Sombre Greenbul, Black-backed Puffback, Black-headed Oriole, Olive Sunbird, a lonely Red-backed Mannikin, plus the usual doves, bulbuls, starlings and barbets (see end).  At the top, not being sure where the pathway went or how long it was, we decided to return the same way.
After some welcome coffee and sustenance, we embarked on a walk over the other side of the river.  It looked OK but some of us more mature ladies were appreciative of a strong helping hand from the gentlemen over some soggy riverlets.  No-one ended up getting wet fortunately.  However, this forest patch was quiet, as was the rest of the walk up the side of the reserve, although a Fiery-necked Nightjar was glimpsed by some.  This was very steep and a few decided to return to the picnic spot and wait for the birds to come to them.  An African Fish Eagle and Black Sparrowhawk did show themselves in the skies.  Otherwise the reserve had quietened down and all that remained was for to us to enjoy our braai in the winter sunshine.  Apologies for the lack of photos, it was just not a photo opportunity sort of day.

Species identified: 44

Barbet, Black-collared
Barbet, Crested
Barbet, White-eared
Boubou, Southern
Brownbul, Terrestrial
Bulbul, Black-capped
Cormorant, White-breasted
Dove, Red-eyed
Dove, Tambourine
Drongo, Fork-tailed
Drongo, Square-tailed
Eagle, African Fish
Fly-catcher, Dusky
Flycatcher, Southern Black
Goose, Egyptian

Greenbul, Sombre
Greenbul, Yellow-bellied
Hornbill, Crowned
Hornbill, Trumpeter
Ibis, Hadedah
Kingfisher, Brown-hooded
Mannikin, Red-backed
Nightjar, Fiery-necked
Oriole, Black-headed
Puffback, Black-backed
Robin-Chat, Red-capped
Shrike, Grey-headed Bush Shrike
Sparrowhawk, Black

Spurfowl, Natal
Starling, Black-bellied
Starling, Red-winged
Sunbird, Amethyst
Sunbird, Collared
Sunbird, Olive
Tinkerbird, Yellow-rumped
Tit, Southern Black Tit
Turaco, Purple-crested
Warbler, Little Rush
Weaver, Dark-backed
Weaver, Spectacled
Weaver, Thick-billed
Wood-hoopoe, Green
Woodpecker, Golden-tailed