Attendees: Sandy Olver, Stan & Val Culley, Barrie Willis & Sue Hansbury, Graham & Sue Salthouse, Doug & Angie Butcher, Hazel Nevin, Stanley Gengan, Ros, Sandi & Eleanor from Port Natal Club, Bob & Hazel van Rooyen

Species: 41                                                                            Text: Hazel van Rooyen

Knysna Turaco (photo: HvR)

On the whole, our visit today was very quiet, although in the end we attained a tally of 41 species.
The people (photo: Doug Butcher)

Starting off with a walk from the Environmental Centre up the road, Red-capped Robin-Chat and White-bellied Sunbird were in evidence and the usual Trumpeter Hornbills flew around.  

The White-eared Barbets were not in their normal place but appeared later close to the houses.

White-eared Barbets (photo: HvR)
Wild Pink Tibouchina (photo HN)

Of interest throughout the park, especially in the Red Milkwoods were tent moth nests which look like bundles of spider webs.
Tent Moth nests (photo: Hazel Nevin)
Bark Spider (photo: Hazel Nevin)

Good sightings were had of Knysna Turacos and one group of people saw both Knysna and Purple-crested in the same tree.  Collared, Olive, Grey and Amethyst Sunbirds were all busy in the trees surrounding the houses and Southern Black Tit, Black-backed Puffpack, Lesser Honeyguide, Black Cuckooshrike and Paradise Flycatchers were seen in the large fig tree.
Knysna Turaco (photo: HvR)

Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird (photo: Hazel Nevin)

After breakfast we walked across the golf course (where we sighted a juvenile African Fish Eagle) to the Otter view. 

Searching the skies for raptors (photo: HvR)

Otter view (photo: HvR)

 Usually we see raptors here but the skies were clear today.  

Even the Green Twinspot didn't put in an appearance at the bird bath, although the Lemon Dove and Red-capped Robin Chat did.
Red-capped Robin-Chat (photo: Doug Butcher)

Stan caught this beautiful Blue Duiker in his lens.
Blue Duiker (photo: Stan Culley)

It was an enjoyable day with excellent company.

(All photos property of photographer)

Bullbul, Dark-capped
Robin-Chat, Red-capped
Sunbird, White-bellied
Wagtail, Pied
Drongo, Square-tailed
Ibis, Hadedah
Hornbill, Trumpeter
Dove, Red-eyed
Sunbird, Collared
Boubou, Southern
Starling, Black-bellied
Greenbul, Sombre
Turaco, Knysna
Sunbird, Olive
Stork, Woolly-necked
Dove, Tambourine
Sunbird, Grey
Woodpecker, Golden-tailed
Sunbird, Amethyst
Barbet, White-eared
Tit, Southern Black
Puffback, Black-backed
Honeyguide, Lesser
Tinkerbird, Yellow-rumped
Cuckoo-Shrike, Black
Flycatcher, Paradise
Greenbul, Yellow-bellied
Turaco, Purple-cested
Eagle, African Fish
Drongo, Fork-tailed
Wood-hoopoe, Green
Oriole, Black-headed
Flufftail, Buff-spotted
Batis, Cape
White-eye, Cape
Dove, Lemon
Weaver, Dark-backed
Weaver, Spectacled
Flycatcher, Southern Black
Mannikin, Red-backed
Weaver, Thick-billed